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- %Title: Vaporware <jns.024>
- %Descr: Column about software that is yet to be released
- %Info: sumex-aim.stanford.edu:/info-mac/digest/vapor
- %Archive: Mirror
- %Class: QA76.75
- %Title: The VAX Toolbox <jns.026>
- %Descr: Journal for VAX/VMS users
- %Info: Defunct - used to be on a LISTSERV
- %Holdings: Vol 1 #1-6, Probably Complete
- %Class: QA76.8.V
- %Title: Viewpoints <jnq.007>
- %Descr: Newsletter of the Visual Communication Division of the Assocation
- for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
- %Info: borg.lib.vt.edu:/pub/VIEWPOINTS
- %Archive: Mirror
- %Class: LB1027
- %Title: What's New <jnt.005>
- %Descr: I have no earthly idea what this is
- %Class: QC1
- %Title: Window's Programmer's Journal <menu>
- %Descr: Programming for MS-Windows
- %Info: oak.oakland.edu:/pub/msdos/wpj-mag
- %Archive: Mirror
- %Class: QA76.76.W56
- %Title: Witness for Peace: Myth of the Month <jnl.028>
- %Descr: Exposes myths about Central America and its history
- %Info: red.css.itd.umich.edu:/poli/.../Myth
- %Archive: Mirror
- %Class: F1401-1419
- %Title: Worker's World <jnl.043>
- %Descr: Weekly Newspaper - Marxist analysis of major international &
- domestic issues
- %Info: red.css.itd.umich.edu:/poli/Workers.World
- %Archive: Mirror
- %Class: HX1-780.9
- %Title: Workstream Newsletter <menu>
- %Descr: Texas Gov Comm Disabilities Newsletter
- %Info: handicap.shel.isc-br.com:/pub/nletter/tgc* (KA9Q)
- %Holdings: 8/91
- %Class: HV1551-3029
- %Title: World View <menu>
- %Descr: for Computer & Telecommunications Hobbyists
- %Info: ftp.eff.org:/pub/cud/wview
- %Holdings: #1.5-1.10, 2.0-2.5,2.9 (1/10/93)
- %Archive: Mirror
- %Class: HV6773
- %Title: Xinu newsletter <menu>
- %Descr: Newsletter about Mt Xinu UNIX
- %Info: Found by Dana Hudes (dhudes@smartcard.com)
- %Class: QA76.76.O63
- %Title: Znet-PC <jns.025>
- %Descr: Z*net International PC Online Magazine
- %Info: 71777,214 ozn Compuserve
- archives - zpc@status.gen.nz (commands - HELP, /DIR, /GET [fn])
- kirk.bu.oz.au:/pub/pc/znet?
- rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de:/.serv3/soft/atari/digest?
- f.ms.uky.edu:/pub/atari/magazines/znet?
- %Class: QA76.8.I